ArmA Walkthrough
Nobody has done an ArmA walkthrough, so here it is. Be aware that this contains spoilers, so you may want to try it yourself first, but if
you get stuck, just read the walkthrough for the mission that you are having problems with.
Single Missions
Armed Assault Campaign
Rahmadi Conflict Campaign
Royal Flush Campaign
Hints for Veteran OFP Players
ArmA is a direct descendent of Operation Flash Point, written by the same programmers. The game has
a new title because of a legal dispute.
Most, but not all of the commands are the same. The key differences are:
- Infantry Commands: The commands to go prone, crouch and stand up are Z, X and C in ArmA. In OFP Q was
to crouch and Z toggled between prone and standing. In ArmA the default weapons mode change is F, in OFP it's spacebar.
- Aircraft Controls: In fixed wing aircraft, increase/decrease thrust are Q and Z. In OFP it was W and X.
Flying the chopper is much more difficult in ArmA. From what real chopper pilots tell me, the helicopters
in ArmA behave more like acutal helicopters, in that one must be gentle with the controls, especially the cyclic.
I find it best to leave the cyclic alone (the A and D keys) and just use the mouse, the collective (Q and Z) and tail rotor controls
(X and C) to control the flight. Changing course drastically at speed will guarantee a crash in ArmA.
Either plan ahead so as to avoid sharp turns, or hover first, then turn. Another thing to remember: In OFP, a
chopper will automatically adjust altitude to match the terrain. In ArmA it's more like real aircraft in that if you
stay at 100 meters above mean sea level and fly towards a 150 meter hill, you will crash unless you adjust your altitude accordingly.
ArmA Cheats and Hacks
- ArmA has some of the same cheat codes as OFP did. Like OFP, they are activated by holding down the left Shift key and pressing
the - key on the num pad. After executing this key sequence, type in the following.
- savegame = Saves the game, even if you have already saved once. Not necessary if you are in cadet mode, as multiple saves are allowed in most missions while playing as a cadet.
- campaign = Unlocks all missions in a campaign. Execute while in the campaign mission menu.
- missions = Unlocks all missions in the single missions folder. Execute while in the single mission folder.
- endmission = Ends current mission. Note that it does not successfully end the mission. If you have not completed the objectives, they will be marked as not completed. Execute while playing a mission.
- Multiple saves: Even though you can use the cheat code (or play in cadet mode, which allows multiple saves), previous saves are overwritten with the current save.
There are situations where you might want to be able to go back to different points in time during play, as is often provided for in other games.
This is how to accomplish that: Save the game, pause and then alt-tab out of ArmA and get back to your desktop.
To make multiple unique saves in the Armed Assault campaign nagavite to My Documents/ArmA Other Profiles/YourUserName/Saved/campaigns/ca/missions. Make a copy of save.ArmASave
and give it a unique title.
To make multiple unique saves in the Rahmadi Conflict campaign nagavite to My Documents/ArmA Other Profiles/YourUserName/Saved/campaigns/ra/missions. Make a copy of save.ArmASave
and give it a unique title.
To make multiple unique saves in a single mission nagavite to My Documents/ArmA Other Profiles/YourUserName/Saved/missions/NameofMission/ Make a copy of save.ArmASave and give it a unique title.
To revert to one of these specially saved missons rename it back to save.ArmASave, go back to ArmA and use Load.